Road Angel Dashcam Clear-View Weatherproof Film 2Pack.
Road Angel Dashcam Clear-View Weatherproof Film 2Pack.
Road Angel Dashcam Clear-View Weatherproof Film 2Pack.
Road Angel Dashcam Clear-View Weatherproof Film 2Pack.

Road Angel Dashcam Clear-View Film résistant aux intempéries 2Pack

Prix de vente$14.00 Prix normal$38.00
Economisez 63%
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Le film dashcam Road Angel est simple à installer, il suffit d'appliquer le film à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur du pare-brise dans le point de vue de la dashcam. Regardez ensuite comment les gouttes de pluie, la neige, le grésil et la saleté s'envolent du film appliqué sur le pare-brise et le film se libère du brouillard lors de ces matins froids. .

  • Hydrofuge
  • Revêtement anti-buée
  • Arrêter l'accumulation de condensation
  • Anti-salissures
  • Répulsif contre la neige, le grésil et la glace

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews

Very good


I ordered them, all arrived very efficient as always. However, Nowhere does it mention on this site prior to purchasing that they need replacing after 6 months. Also they are obviously efficient with snow as applied correctly the film will keep the areas applied free from fog, snow, rain and snow (Again). All the above is on the packaging though. Even at £9.99 per set, with 2 vehicles, with front and back cameras it's £80 a year. Double that once the sale price ends. I am disappointed and feel misled to be honest. Rating above based on the above, it the efficacy of the product. Obviously it's great with snow though..

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