Can moving out of the way of an Ambulance get me fined?

Can moving out of the way of an Ambulance get me fined?

Top 5 Dash Cam Facts from Road Angel Vous lisez Can moving out of the way of an Ambulance get me fined? 2 minutes Suivant What Your Dash Cam Sees That You Might Miss

You're sat at a set of traffic lights and you hear a siren, followed by the blue flicker of emergency lights. By default, you instantly go to move out of the way to let the emergency vehicle through - but should you?

Motoring experts at have told UK drivers they risk breaking traffic laws and being prosecuted for letting an emergency vehicle pass, facing a £2,500 fine and driving disqualification for moving out of the way - even that of an ambulance.

Running the risk of being charged with careless driving, Rule 219 of the Highway Code says motorists must take the appropriate action to let an emergency vehicle pass, while still complying with all traffic signs.

Motorists could be fined £2,500, as well as being given a driving disqualification and handed penalty points for moving out of the way for a blue light vehicle in the incorrect circumstances. In cases where motorists could have endangered themselves or other road users while moving out the way, it could also lead to prosecution and a dangerous driving charge, because ignoring traffic lights or road signs counts as dangerous driving and could lead to more extreme punishments including an unlimited fine and driving disqualification.

Motorists who stop in the yellow box junction or entering a bus lane to let an emergency vehicle pass could also land drivers with a £1000 fine. Additionally to that, drivers who make an illegal turn, drive down a one-way street or mount a curb while letting an emergency vehicle pass could be handed a hefty fine.

If an emergency vehicle approaches you, the Highway Code states that motorists should "avoid panicking", "comply with all traffic signs" and "ensure they are not doing anything to endanger themselves, other road users or pedestrians".